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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

The 72 Hours After Roof Damage

8/28/2022 (Permalink)

What Can Occur During The First Three Days After Roof Damage

Leaks can undermine the seal of a building envelope in a matter of hours after damage strikes the roof of a commercial structure in Bel Air, CA. Within 48 to 72 hours, conditions may deteriorate to the point where black mold starts to grow on saturated surfaces. Learn more about what can occur during the first three days after roof damage without damage mitigation, roof repair and water damage restoration.

The First Day After Roof Damage
The severity of water damage caused by a roof leak depends on the degree of damage. Here are some potential risks associated with graduated levels of roof damage:

  • Minor roof damage exposes roofing materials to damage
  • Moderate roof damage admits water under a roof membrane or deck
  • Major water damage brings water into a building interior

While minor damage may only affect the utmost layer of a roof, more severe incidents may compromise the seal of membranes and permit water to penetrate down into the interior of a commercial building and cause a ceiling leak.

The Second Day With a Leaky Roof
The first 48 hours after roof damage are critical for preventing black mold. Property owners should periodically inspect the condition of roofing, especially after severe weather or potentially damaging incidents. It is important to schedule roof repairs and take mitigation measures, such as tarping over damage, within this time frame.

The Third Day of a Roof Leak
Mold growth may start within 72 hours after a leak. Airborne spores settle in moist locations, and many building materials such as insulation and drywall contain cellulose. Fungus converts this plant fiber into simple starches and sugars for nourishment.
Water that filters down through building materials becomes more contaminated and may become grossly contaminated Category Three black water over time. Thorough water damage restoration can keep black mold at bay at a building in Bel Air, CA.

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